31 Aug 2008
Riverside Point
Nike Human Race

Having all arrived on time at the venue, we were briefed by Azhar (stage manager) to wait for our turn to rehearse with Govin (Tabla) and DJ Rattle. While listening to the refreshing mix of sitar and tabla to DJ Rattle’s funky beats from the DJ console, we took to our sponsored tee-shirts and shoes for the event, which was a real treat, thank you Nike!
After a few runs and having familiarized ourselves with the cues and details, we were set to work out the string quartet with Tabla remix as well as string quartet with DJ Rattle remix.

The sea of red running past our stage.
At our appointed time to perform, the skies opened up and down came the rain!

The covered up DJ console. It was only after another 30 minutes that the rain cleared up and we took to the stage.

We first performed with Govin on Tabla. His fingers are amazing.

DJ Rattle at the back having fun

Next up was Fritz Quartet with DJ Rattle.

Thank you so much to the organizers on site who took care of us.

Fritz Quartet with DJ Rattle! Thanks to DJ Rattle for providing us with a cool beat to work our repertoire with.

For the other performers on site performing, it's been a cool day to hang out and exchange music experiences!
Big thank you to Nike for inviting us to perform for the event, as well as to Don, Liyana, Azhar, from Kinemat.
This performance also marks the beginning of Bingling (2nd violin)'s 2-year sabbatical leave from the Fritz Quartet. You'd be missed!