22 April 2010
Volunteers' Appreciation Dinner at National Museum of SingaporeInitially planned as an outdoor event, it was moved indoors due to wet weather. Which was great, as it made for a more intimate gathering. We had an enjoyable time performing for this event, with extremely appreciative audience. We were also invited to stay on for dinner with the rest of the guests after our performance. We also got to witness some impromptu karaoke from the volunteers.
Our thanks to Serene Chng from National Heritage Board for inviting us to perform for the event and for making us feel welcomed.
Some photos from the event courtesy of Anthony Nam from DBS.
Standing by.

That's us with our guest cellist, Lenard Cheng, who will be performing with us for this year.
Some photos from the event courtesy of Anthony Nam from DBS.


26 April 2010
Seatrade Asia Awards Dinner 2010 at Shangri-la Hotel Island Ballroom
in conjunction with Singapore Maritime Week 2010
"Seatrade has been the pioneer of shipping awards schemes since 1988. The Asia Awards programme was first initiated in 2008 to raise the profile of maritime development across Asia and to underscore excellence in the fields of innovation; safety and quality; social and environmental responsibility; enterprise and achievement, together with education and training." - Source (http://www.seatradeasia-online.com/awards/index.html)
Seatrade Asia Awards Dinner 2010 at Shangri-la Hotel Island Ballroom
in conjunction with Singapore Maritime Week 2010
"Seatrade has been the pioneer of shipping awards schemes since 1988. The Asia Awards programme was first initiated in 2008 to raise the profile of maritime development across Asia and to underscore excellence in the fields of innovation; safety and quality; social and environmental responsibility; enterprise and achievement, together with education and training." - Source (http://www.seatradeasia-online.com/awards/index.html)