Fritz @ Botanic Gardens: Photoshoot by Ashley Low Photography
3rd December 2011
After a morning's rehearsal, we at Fritz threw our music away and stormed to Botanic Gardens to conquer the world of photography!

Maestoso; majestically comfortable: Lenard, Yaw Chang, Jessie, Max
We spent hours with our dearest photographer Ashley, a recently-returned talent from London, who made sure we not only left with lovely pictures but a wonderful experience as well.

Dolce un-glam-e; Sweetly and unglamorously (grinning ear to ear, hint Yaw Chang): Lenard, Jessie, Max, Yaw Chang
Fritz is not new to photography; performances often come with flashes of light from enthusiasts taking shots of our playing. However, posing for a camera with an enormously professional lens pointed at us was definitely a once in a lifetime experience.
Andante un-naturale; At an (un)natural pace: Lenard, Jessie, Max, Yaw Chang
The pictures (after Ashley edited them) turned out beautifully! Some of them looked like they were CD covers that we had shot for our sometime-will-be-published recordings!

Simplicemente brilliante photographe; simply a great photoshoot: Jessie, Lenard, Yaw Chang, Max
(Stay tuned to find out why Fritz holed up all November!)
After a morning's rehearsal, we at Fritz threw our music away and stormed to Botanic Gardens to conquer the world of photography!
Maestoso; majestically comfortable: Lenard, Yaw Chang, Jessie, Max
We spent hours with our dearest photographer Ashley, a recently-returned talent from London, who made sure we not only left with lovely pictures but a wonderful experience as well.

Dolce un-glam-e; Sweetly and unglamorously (grinning ear to ear, hint Yaw Chang): Lenard, Jessie, Max, Yaw Chang
Fritz is not new to photography; performances often come with flashes of light from enthusiasts taking shots of our playing. However, posing for a camera with an enormously professional lens pointed at us was definitely a once in a lifetime experience.

The pictures (after Ashley edited them) turned out beautifully! Some of them looked like they were CD covers that we had shot for our sometime-will-be-published recordings!

Simplicemente brilliante photographe; simply a great photoshoot: Jessie, Lenard, Yaw Chang, Max
(Stay tuned to find out why Fritz holed up all November!)