Fritz Quartet @ Bayer Schering Pharmaceutical Dinner: St Regis
26 March 08
We were engaged again by Sophia from Rubix Cube to perform for the Bayer Schering Pharmaceutical Dinner at the Consulate Room, St Regis.
It was a reunion of sorts as we had worked with Sophia earlier for the Cevarix Corporate Seminar. Coincidentally, the floor captain in-charge of the event was also the same coordinator for Mark and Soo Yeon’s wedding held at the St Regis Ballroom!
We were situated on a slightly raised platform at the front of the room. However, as it was a very intimate setting, with only 5 tables, it also meant that we were in close proximity to the guests. It was a challenge for us to keep our volume down without losing the dynamics of the music , as we did not wish to be intrusive to the conversations going on. Thank goodness we were not mic-ed up!
When our performance was over, we were rewarded with applause and happy smiles! It was indeed a great way to end our evening!
We were engaged again by Sophia from Rubix Cube to perform for the Bayer Schering Pharmaceutical Dinner at the Consulate Room, St Regis.
It was a reunion of sorts as we had worked with Sophia earlier for the Cevarix Corporate Seminar. Coincidentally, the floor captain in-charge of the event was also the same coordinator for Mark and Soo Yeon’s wedding held at the St Regis Ballroom!
We were situated on a slightly raised platform at the front of the room. However, as it was a very intimate setting, with only 5 tables, it also meant that we were in close proximity to the guests. It was a challenge for us to keep our volume down without losing the dynamics of the music , as we did not wish to be intrusive to the conversations going on. Thank goodness we were not mic-ed up!
When our performance was over, we were rewarded with applause and happy smiles! It was indeed a great way to end our evening!