Thursday, March 27, 2008

Fritz Quartet @ Bayer Schering Pharmaceutical Dinner: St Regis

26 March 08

We were engaged again by Sophia from Rubix Cube to perform for the Bayer Schering Pharmaceutical Dinner at the Consulate Room, St Regis.

It was a reunion of sorts as we had worked with Sophia earlier for the Cevarix Corporate Seminar. Coincidentally, the floor captain in-charge of the event was also the same coordinator for Mark and Soo Yeon’s wedding held at the St Regis Ballroom!

We were situated on a slightly raised platform at the front of the room. However, as it was a very intimate setting, with only 5 tables, it also meant that we were in close proximity to the guests. It was a challenge for us to keep our volume down without losing the dynamics of the music , as we did not wish to be intrusive to the conversations going on. Thank goodness we were not mic-ed up!

When our performance was over, we were rewarded with applause and happy smiles! It was indeed a great way to end our evening!


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