Fritz @ St. Regis: Estee Lauder
14th February 2012
Musicians are used to long hours of practise and perofrmances, but this event at Estee Lauder proved to be a real workout session, clocking a total of 2 hours 40 minutes playing time! Now this is to me, really long in the context of quartet events (but Fritz has gone longer, I'm told).Just to put this into context, below is a calorie-chart for common activities, counted in calories per minute:

Now, you can see, playing the violin doesn't seem to be commonplace enough to make it to that list (strange that water jogging is - what is that anyway??). So, we asked ourselves, what is similar? Well, we at Fritz feel like pulling strings with one hand while pressing things with another seems identical enough to pulling a saw or hammering stuff (it sometimes sounds similar to :D), so we looked at: CARPENTRY.
Yes, that's 9 calories per minute, and +8 for the cellist (re: carrying and stacking wood). Altogether, 1440 calories (or 2720 for cellist). 1440 CALORIES.
And then I think we probably went for supper, as usual, heh.
Apart from sore arms and tested concentration, it is always a feeling of accomplishment to be the main feature of a event by a multi-national company.
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